Attendance Policy, Dropping Classes, and Make-Ups
Absences and Make-Up Classes
CAPA does not have an official attendance policy for dancers who are only enrolled in technique class and do not participate in our Performing Ensemble, Ballet Companies, or Production.
We understand that many students engage in other extracurricular activities as well, and perfect attendance is often not possible. Of course, sporadic attendance may affect their ability to move to the next level and/or can impact their ability to participate in our June Showcase performances if they haven’t been able to learn the choreography.
Make-up classes may be taken within one month of a missed class in another class of the same style and level. You may take up to two (2) make up classes between August and December, and three (3) make up classes between January and June. You do not need to schedule these in advance, just come and let the teacher know you are there for a make-up.
To Change or Drop A Class
To add a class at CAPA, you simply register via our online portal.
We require a 30 day notice for drops, which must be requested in writing via email at - depending on when you give notice, you may incur another month’s non-refundable tuition charge.
If you drop a class before December 31st, we can refund your June Showcase costume deposit as applicable. If you drop a class after December 31st, we cannot refund the costume deposit. If you drop a class after JAN 31, then costumes have been ordered and you must pay the balance of costume(s) that were ordered for your dancer. Any costume that was billed will be available to pick up when it arrives.
Attendance Policy for Performing Ensembles, Ballet Companies, and Production
• Fall Semester (August – December): Two vacation/unexcused absences per required class are allowed.
• Winter/Spring Semester (January – June): Three vacation/unexcused absences per required class are allowed.
Excused Absences: an illness, a personal or family emergency, a required school function (homework, studying or attending a play, rehearsal, or athletic event do not count), and religious ceremonies/events. Social events such as birthday parties are not excused.
Injuries: An injured dancer is asked to attend and watch actively within the dance room during classes where choreography is being taught so that they can learn the choreography by watching and is not allowed to be on their phone, doing homework, or sitting in the waiting room instead of observing the class. Taking notes on what it’s taught during those classes is encouraged.
Vacation Absences: Any absence due to being out of town for leisure or pleasure when CAPA is otherwise open. Please notify us via email at before your trip so that we can let the teacher know.
All absences will be considered as vacation/unexcused unless we receive written notification in the form of an email sent to on or before the day of class explaining the reason for the absence.
If a student is expected to exceed 2 absences due to an illness or injury, a doctor’s note is required. If your child is contagious, please keep them at home.
Although CAPA is generally open on most Monday holidays, absences that occur on a weekday school holiday are considered excused.
Respect and Conduct
We have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying of any kind.
Students who engage in exclusionary, demeaning, or hurtful behavior, whether at CAPA or CAPA sponsored activities, may be asked to leave. Use of Social Media which demeans a fellow CAPA students is considered grounds for dismissal.
Students are expected to treat teachers with proper respect and to devote attention to class. Students who cannot adhere to these standards may be removed from class by the teacher.
Parental conduct is a factor that will be taken into consideration in your dancer’s ability to remain a student at CAPA. Hurtful gossip and other inappropriate behaviors is negative and unwelcoming and will not be tolerated. Similarly, disrespect for our teachers will not be tolerated.